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How to Refund a Customer on Eventcube
How to Refund a Customer on Eventcube

A simple how to on refunding one of your ticket buyers

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Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

In this article:

Revoke tickets

1. Go to the order that you would like to refund.

2. Revoke the tickets under the ticket order and cancel them, too, to prevent customers from using them after the refund has been processed.

3. Do this by toggling on Revoke Ticket on the order page.

4. Enter your reason for revoking the ticket.

5. Save your changes.

6. Once you have revoked the ticket, make sure that you cancel the ticket order, too.

Cancel ticket order

7. If you have revoked and canceled the tickets, go to the ticket order's transaction details and click on it. This will open the corresponding transaction in your Stripe (payment gateway) account.

Issue a refund in your Stripe account

8. Here, you can view all the payment details.

9. On Stripe, if you click refund in the top right-hand corner, a pop-up will display where you can enter the amount you would like to refund.

10. If you’re unsure how much to refund, navigate back to your order page and look at the total tickets.

Note: Per the terms & conditions on your Eventcube store, booking fees are non-refundable, so please do not refund the whole amount unless you have a £0 booking fee.

11. Once you have refunded a customer on Stripe, the funds will reach them in 5-10 working days. Within three days, Stripe will also provide you with an ARN number, which can be sent to the customer to trace the funds with their bank if they’re still having issues.

Note: Refunds can only be returned to the original Payment designation as standard. If a customer has a new card and their bank account is still the same, the refund will still reach them.

If a customer has new account details, funds cannot be redistributed to a new account via your payment gateway, Stripe.

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