Instalments are a great way for customers to spread out payments on high-value tickets. You can charge monthly, whatever suits your customers more, than a standard one-off ticket purchase.
Edit instalment payment
Go to Events.
Choose an event.
Edit a ticket
Scroll down to Ticket Details in the 02. Tickets page.
Make sure your ticket is set to Paid type.
Toggle on Pay in Instalments.
Determine the amount customers should pay per interval.
Set the payment date and number of intervals by clicking the green "Add another interval" button.
How to track instalment payments
Heading to the Instalments page within your event will allow you to view all your customer instalment orders, complete or incomplete.
Within the instalment orders section, you can view the total for each ticket, the amount paid by a customer, and the amount due.
This is a great way to track which customers have paid and which ones to send email reminders to.
The complete section on the right-hand side will also give you a quick breakdown of order statuses.
✅ means all instalments have been completed
❌ means there is a balance waiting to be paid
!means a customer has overpaid
Instalment tickets allow customers to pay with a deposit upfront and then spread the remainder over a set number of equal instalments. So it's a great way to incentivise the sales of high-value tickets.
How instalment payments work
Let's clarify what this means for you and the customer.
If this ticket total is £50, plus a booking fee of £5 and using the instalment configuration shown above, it works out as follows:
Ticket price with a £5 booking fee: £55
Deposit (what the customer pays today): £20 (deposits don't include the booking fee)
Remaining total: £30 + £5 booking fee
Interval 1: £15 + £5.00 (the booking fee is now charged on the first interval)
Interval 2: £15
Customers will be able to pay instalment via their original order confirmation. Customers can pay any amount they wish up to the total ticket price, so they can choose to complete payment earlier. Their ticket is released only once they have completed the full payment amount.
NB. Late or missed installment payments are your responsibility as a store owner.
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