If you already have your domain and want to connect your Eventcube ticket store to it. Follow this:
Go to Store Settings.
Select Custom Domain in the submenu.
Once you've finished the required steps (see below), please just go ahead and tick the confirmation box.
Click Submit.
Note: Setting up a custom domain is available to all customers on the Eventcube Pro plan. It is not available on the Lite or free plan.
Setting up a custom domain requires a few simple steps and can usually be set up within 24 hours. This is required to secure the domain (i.e. use an SSL certificate to make the URL https://)
Three steps to set a custom domain
1. Login to your DNS control panel (this will be your domain name supplier, such as GoDaddy).
2. Go to manage DNS, and create a new CNAME record for the subdomain you wish to use (e.g. tickets.example.com) to point at
3. Notify Eventcube once the DNS record is in place
Note: DNS propagation time can take a few hours, though usually completed within 2-4 hours. Once the DNS has propagated, we will finalise securing the domain and get the store up and running.
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