In this article:
Preferred currency is not listed in Eventcube
If you want to carry a currency to use as your Default Store Setting but don't find the currency listed on Eventcube, please get in touch with the Support Team via the chat bubble or the User Support option at the bottom of your dashboard.
Preferred currency is not on Stripe's supported currencies list
Stripe is Eventcube's official payment processing gateway, and it supports over 135 currencies, which allows you to charge your customers in their regional currency while you receive funds in yours.
Here's a list of all the currencies supported by Stripe:
If your preferred currency is not supported by Stripe, then consider utilizing Stripe Atlas to incorporate your country in the United States, create a U.S. bank account, and consequently set up Stripe payments in USD. Then, you may move your earnings to your local bank account in one transaction.
Stripe is supported in 46 countries and continuously growing:
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