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Ticket Store Users: Admin vs Organizer vs Ticket Rep
Ticket Store Users: Admin vs Organizer vs Ticket Rep

What is the functional difference between an admin, an organizer, and a ticket rep? How do ticket reps and organizers get paid?

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Written by Support Team
Updated over 11 months ago

What are users?

Users are everyone who is involved in your ticketing store. Some users have complete access to all features, orders, and functionalities, while others are limited to a few functions.

Three types of users

  1. The Admin is the individual who created the ticket store or Eventcube account. They are sometimes referred to as the Store Owner. Only the admin has absolute access to all features of the software. They are also those who can add new users and designate roles.

  2. Organizers are individuals who are given access to the Eventcube store to sell tickets to their events under the banner of the store’s brand. Organizers benefit from the store owner’s promotional channels as they can put their event in front of the brand’s audience.

  3. Ticket Reps are users added to the ticket store solely to promote "reppable" events through a unique affiliate link. For every sale, ticket reps are given rewards or a small fee that's set by the admin or store owner.

Do organizers and ticket reps need to connect their Stripe account to get paid?

This is where the confusion typically comes in. Organizers and ticket reps are making money from being involved in the ticket store in some capacity. How do they get paid?

Each ticket store needs only one Stripe account- the admin's. All sales (minus fees, VAT, etc.) are sent straight to the store owner's Stripe account, where they can manage all withdrawals with complete control.

Organizers and ticket reps are paid by the store owners through direct transfer or any payment method agreed upon beforehand between the storeowner and organizer/ticket rep. These transactions are not performed on the Eventcube platform.

In conclusion, you don't need to connect a Stripe account if you're a organizer or ticket rep.

Please get in touch with your store admin to arrange your direct payments.

How do you know how much to receive in payment as an organizer or ticket rep?

For organizers, you'll see how much you made from your event by going to the Administrate Tab. You'll see Event Revenue at the top. Pay close attention to the red box that says "Balance due to Organizer".

If you had prior arrangments with the store owner regarding fees, cuts, and payments that are not in any way tied to the ticketing platform's booking fees, then feel free to communicate with the admin.

For ticket reps, you'll know exactly how much you made from promoting the event by checking your Rep Dashboard. Each event you're representing should have a the total rewards earned displayed.

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